Thursday, 6 March 2014

10 Weeks - Reese Witherprune

10 weeks! A quarter of the way there or one lap of the four we used to have to do in the high school PE 8 minute mile (still haunts me obviously). Spent the weekend down in Melbourne and it was great to see a bunch of our southern friends. Unfortunately, I've been sick as a dog sick person. A bit of the classic preggo symptoms (e.g., nausea, headaches, fatigue) but also have had a bad cold and because of this little fetus I'm not allowed to take any drugs. This week I've single handedly raised Kleenex's shares 10-fold and my bed now sports a fully embossed butt print.

Enough about me... baby Aff is now the size of a prune! What to Expect says that it has little dimples where knees and ankles are forming. Cuuuuute overload! Did I mention that I went baby shopping with Mazeta on Sunday and I am now planning on dressing baby in denim? A lot of denim. Think Brittany Spears/JT circa 2001 and the canadian tuxedo. I'm pretty sure I will also need to get a mini polo shirt, for the last minute newborn yachting trips obviously. 


Speaking of Mizzy (and Adam), I would like to give them a quick shout-out for buying baby it's first  (and already my favourite) rhyming book. Here is a quick excerpt: 

The wind whispers soft through the grass, hon.
The field mice, they make not a peep.
It's been thirty-eight minutes already.
Jesus Christ, what the f**k? Go to sleep.

The seeds slumber beneath the earth now
And the crops that the farmers will reap. 
No more questions. This interview's over.
I've got two words for you, kid: F*****g sleep.

Also tried on my first pair of maternity jeans. Where have these been all of my life??? Haven't bought any yet as I'm trying to go as long as possible forgoing pants all together, but looking forward to getting some turkey trousers when the temperature drops. I also attempted my first pregnancy selfie. Pretty crap effort, but I was hungry and that prune didn't last long.

How far along: 10 weeks
Total weight gain: 1.5 lbs (but feels like sooo much more)
Maternity clothes? Not yet
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Difficult because of inability to breathe.. so. much. snot.
Best moment this week: having a proper bowel movement! baby size = prune. coincidence? 
Miss Anything? Ricotta, blue cheese dressing, hot salami
Movement: No, but a few growth pains
Food cravings: Fruit, salad and fruit/sour candy
Anything making you queasy or sick: Opening the dishwasher
Gender: ??? Keep dreaming it's a boy though
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: A little of everything and a lot of a head cold
Belly Button: In
Wedding rings: On
Mood: Bit grumpy this week. Cried during J&A's wedding and watching My Kitchen Rules
Looking forward to: Getting over this cold and getting back on track at school next week

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