Thursday, 27 March 2014

13 Weeks - Peached Az Bro

With Andy's favourite number, today we are at 13 weeks! Wasn't sure what to call his week's post... considered Princess Peach, Dill Murray, and one for my mother, Dill Clinton: ImPEACHed! 

Baby is ~6.62 cm long and (according to google search) roughly the size of a peach, pickle, pea pod or espresso cup. Where did I get the exact CRL measurement you ask? (CRL: crown to rump length - I read the books. and websites. and Q&As. and obsession?) Well..... we had our second scan yesterday! Here are the stats:

  • Heart beat is 153 (exactly what it said it should be in my pregnancy science book - little mr/miss perfect already)
  • Nuchal fold was ~1.5mm (well under the 3.0mm high end threshold)
  • Lots of movement and well above the average adorableness range
Still waiting for the complete blood and scan combo results but taking no news as good news. Only got one photo. We did get a bunch of scans that says REFERRING DOCTOR TO OPEN but with my MacGyver skills and long thick prenatal vitamin nails I've already looked at them 4 times.

Presenting baby Affleck 2014:

Although eerily similar looking, it is NOT in fact the scary 1960's inflatable Bobo Doll. We saw other shots and baby's legs were crossed and arms were crossed up by its head. Just your average fetus lounging on an amniotic pool raft. 

My dad thought it looked like him and Andy's mum thought it was a spitting image of Andy at that age. I think it looks like me, however I currently do look like an inflatable punching clown. (In all honesty all I could think was "Poor thing already got my underbite... orthodontic fund stat".)

I'll leave it up to the blog public to decide:

This week we have a surprise guest contributor! Now that we have officially seen baby Affleck and know it's there and growing, Andy wrote it a little letter. Feel free to tear up... mama almost did (hey, it's no MKR commercial). 

Dear Child to Be (CTB).
Welcome to Earth. Your mother and I are very happy to bring you into the world. Before we get started, let's address the elephant in the room: yes it's true, you weren't planned. But, we both love surprises and you're the greatest little surprise we could ask for. Given your mother and I are terrible at keeping a secret, you are probably the last surprise we'll ever have again.  
We won't ask for much. All I ask is you don't arrive Grand Final weekend. I'll even be prepared to share my birthday with you -- hey, we can share our 18th and 50th birthday parties kiddo.
Dad to be. 

  • How far along: 13 weeks
  • Total weight gain: Up a pound, 2 lbs from the start total. Belly is definitely bigger though.
  • Maternity clothes? No but lots of leggings and baggy shirts
  • Stretch marks? No
  • Sleep: No problems, knock on wood
  • Best moment this week: Farted Oporto fries scent. Seriously. Spitting (smelling?) image... AND going to Sydney with friends and seeing Lion King
  • Miss Anything? Beer and feta (again)
  • Movement: Not feeling anything but bubs was hopping around like crazy during the scan
  • Food cravings: Indian (the cuisine... no cannibal cravings yet)
  • Anything making you queasy or sick: Tip: Don't smell your own pee cup when giving a sample. You WILL vomit.
  • Gender: Girl for sure, even Andy jumped on the girl bandwagon
  • Labor Signs: No
  • Symptoms: settling down, just shortness of breath and dizziness 
  • Belly Button: Way In 
  • Wedding rings: On
  • Mood: Gradually improving each week 
  • Looking forward to: Getting all the test results back and pram shopping! (Andy is stooooooked)

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