Tuesday, 29 July 2014

30 Weeks - Hughcumber Grant

After a long stint in the US and over a month of being lazy and not posting... I'm baaaack. Since I'm 31 weeks tomorrow and am really on the hunt for chocolate (priorities people), I'll do my 31 week blog later this week and just post a couple photos from the trip.

Started off in Hawaii for 6 days... only so much N/A beer one can stomach...

On to San Fran for 4 days... only so much bromance one can stomach... 

And finally off to Wisconsin for 3 weeks... never too much niece and family time.

Also we were fortunate enough to get a bad ass 4D scan done in Wisconsin with family present (American and Aussie)... and, as suspected, she is MPNTM* adorable. Proof is as follows:

Not sure where she got this flexibility from...

but I'll take credit for the angelic sleeping pose...

assume grumpy frown is from dad...

and give props to both sides for those cheeks.  So squeeeezzzable!

(*MPNTM = my placenta's next top model)

Finally, here is my 30 week selfie...

Black is slimming? I call bullshit.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

25 Weeks - Perks of Being a Cauliflower

I'm all for dressing kids up in ridiculous outfits the majority of their childhood but this poor kid .... Imagine first day of school. Shirt? Ironed perfectly, check. Pants? Starched and clean, check. Accessories? Cauliflower hat and belt, check check.

25 weeks today! Well, actually the due date has changed yet again (according to my last scan) so who knows exactly where I am? DD Oct 5th now maybe? 

Most definitely getting bigger! My rotund belly was hard and crampy all squished in to my regular leggings, so I was very excited when I got a delivery from the US today. Thanks so much mom and dad for all the maternity clothes!!! I forgot how good breathing can be!

Baby should be up to a pound and a half and about 9 inches long. The headline of week 25 on whattoexpect.com is;
"As baby prepares to take his first breath, pesky hemorrhoids may make you swear under yours."
Pesky hemorrhoids? Way to try to make it light hearted internet. Imagine your Dr trying to lighten up a diagnosis.
"I'm sorry to inform you but the test results have came back and you have a nasty case of that nettlesome neurosyphilis."  
Aggravating AIDS, bothersome botulism, cumbersome chlamydia... I'm here all night!

I guess I should mention, now that you are all thinking thinking about it, my anus is currently hemorrhoid-less. Pffew right? I can feel my hips and pelvis widening though. Fancy medical term: Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction. Late night TV shopping term: Expanda Crotch 2014.

  • How far along: 25 weeks 
  • Total weight gain: not going near the scale  
  • Maternity clothes? LOTS!
  • Stretch marks? No
  • Sleep: Not bad... interrupted by 4am pee breaks but better than in the bed
  • Best moment this week: All cleared to travel, thanks doc!
  • Miss Anything? Na, pretty good
  • Movement: Oh yeah! Squirrely baby. Turns out I have an anterior placenta so I would usually feel even more...
  • Food cravings: CPK, hashbrowns, crispy bacon
  • Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week
  • Gender: Girl
  • Labor Signs: No
  • Symptoms: Growing pains
  • Belly Button: In
  • Wedding rings: On
  • Mood: Excited!
  • Looking forward to: NOT looking forward to 8 flights but can't wait to visit home!

Friday, 13 June 2014

24 Weeks - Jennifer Canatlopez

If we are going with 4 weeks per month, we are at 6 months today! Only 16 left eeeekkk! Been pretty stressed and busy with finals but as of yesterday this semester is done... was such a relief but after I walked out of my last final I went straight to the library and just sat. For 30 min. Just sat there. Didn't know what to do with myself.... guess I'll go have a baby now? 

Besides that stress, my insides are getting all squished and I've been pretty uncomfortable lately (e.g., threw up part of dinner last night... wouldn't all fit!). Told the midwife yesterday about my uncomfortable symptoms and she just replied, "It sounds like you are pregnant." Really? Thanks.

Ok enough complaining, I'm on holiday! 1 week of pant-less binge TVing and then we head off to the USofA (Hawaii, San Fran and Wisconsin) for a month!

Other than that there isn't much more to report this week, and honestly all I want to do is eat churros and watch Orange is the New Black, so I'll leave you with this amazing present we received this week:

Yes, it is a handmade (knit) baby bolero! Love to Mary-Anne and Tom... her little arms will never be more cozy!

  • How far along: 24 weeks 
  • Total weight gain: holy moly it's going UP!  
  • Maternity clothes? Nothing new, but waiting on a "surprise" box from the Geraghty's to arrive :) 
  • Stretch marks? Not yet... but eczema.
  • Sleep: Went from good to UGH. Heartburn sucks.
  • Best moment this week: School done! Julia OUT!
  • Miss Anything? Breathing deeply
  • Movement: She kicks when I get excited and when I relax... love it!
  • Food cravings: Churros 
  • Anything making you queasy or sick: Can't fit all the food I'm craving in!
  • Gender: Girl (90:10)
  • Labor Signs: No
  • Symptoms: YES! :( Bloating, constipation, heartburn, cramps, shortness of breath... here we go...
  • Belly Button: In
  • Wedding rings: On
  • Mood: Great now (vaycay!)
  • Looking forward to: Heading off to see family and friends... and churros. Need churros.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

23 Weeks - KoЯn (on the cob)

Baby JuDrew is channeling the likes of Michael Jordan and the (normal) human sex chromosome count coming in at 23 weeks. She is the size of an ear of corn and will be joined soon by a few boat load of corn friends when we visit the midwest. Did I mention that I LOVE corn? I love corn. I ate 1/2 bag of popcorn for 2nd dinner last night and cannot wait to get my hands on some fresh buttery ears in a few weeks. 

My mother, who passed down her love of corn to me, will often have an all corn dinner. Steamed corn, boiled corn, kettle corn... I have, on numerous occasions, told Andy "It's ok I'll just have corn for dinner." He thinks it's ridiculous but hey, it's what I call "the Geraghty dinner". Don't knock tradition! Unless it involves camping... I fucking hate camping.  

The books say that over the next month baby will double her current weight and start gaining fat so she's not transparent any more. Ick, guess I didn't realise she was see though. Show some modesty kid! 

Speaking of modesty, here's me with all my baby junk hanging out. I added the frame to up the "classy factor" and distract from the deep grotto in the middle of my abdomen. 

I also forgot to thank Grandpa and Grandma Affo for the super duper cute Country Road baby hoodie! Thank you! Love it! In my my favourite red too! 

I would also like to thank Jimmy for refraining from getting a repulsive Patriots onesie and seeing the light. Go Pack! I kept the NFL tag on it. It's what all the cool kids are doing.

  • How far along: 23 weeks 
  • Total weight gain: about 10 lbs 
  • Maternity clothes? yes! finally found some good ones! and new bras. ahhhh... comfy coconuts.
  • Stretch marks? No
  • Sleep: Really quite good
  • Best moment this week: Cookies n' cream ice cream... 1/2 price
  • Miss Anything? Being able to walk up stairs without dying
  • Movement: Here and there
  • Food cravings: Naan 
  • Anything making you queasy or sick: Smelly feet in the library (and I thought I quit podiatry)
  • Gender: Chica
  • Labor Signs: No
  • Symptoms: Not much... 
  • Belly Button: IN In in.  
  • Wedding rings: On
  • Mood: Good, study stress
  • Looking forward to: Finishing up this semester! 7 days!

Friday, 30 May 2014

22 Weeks - The Mamas and Papayas

Laughed way to hard and long at the sloth whispering sweet papayas. So we are at 22 weeks! Fact: there are 22 yards in a chain. Yup, I didn't care either. 

This week baby weighs an entire pound! Since I only weigh a "couple" more than her, we are basically twins. But seriously only 1lb? Am I having a litter? Couple babies in the belly, few in the thighs, gaggle in the butt... 

Guess I shouldn't blame it on the fetus. I've really taken to this whole eating for "two" idea... I was all cozy in bed on Saturday and Andrew was out in the living room - closer to the fridge I might add - so I figured I would try to get him to bring his wonderful pregnant wife a little snack. Not too much to ask right? Well, this is how it played out:

I got my own snack. Baby also "accidentally" ate Andy's Mars bar today... ohhhh snap. 

We have started to seriously look at baby names now and wowza it is stressful! Girl's names are hard! Too girly, too common, too slutty. What a big decision... We don't want to name her "to the world" before she is born, but honestly, we probably won't even have fully decided on one until the last minute. 

As I mentioned last week, I felt a the first kick and it was a big one we were both able to feel. For days after that I didn't feel anything. Was getting a little worried until Wednesday night when I ate some chocolate and put on 16 and Pregnant. She LOVED it... or hated... we'll go with love. She was moving around like crazy! Thought it was a one off, but then last night she was squirming around all though Catfish. See! We are twins I tell ya! Underbite, love for shit reality TV, covered in cheese... I have a vivid memory of sitting on my tire swing when I was about 7 wishing for a twin sister... who said wishes don't come true -- albeit 23 years later.

  • How far along: 22 weeks 
  • Total weight gain: "tried" to go clothes shopping... am now scarred. 
  • Maternity clothes? see above. don't want to talk about it. 
  • Stretch marks? No... Andy asked "when are you going to get stretch marks? You have always liked scars." Haha, I do!
  • Sleep: Not bad
  • Best moment this week: Last lecture... countdown has begun!
  • Miss Anything? Caxton St car park
  • Movement: Dancing!
  • Food cravings: Fried rice
  • Anything making you queasy or sick: Na, can't say the same for others who attended State of Origin - won't say names.
  • Gender: Lil' lady
  • Labor Signs: No
  • Symptoms: Stomach cramps
  • Belly Button: Maybe getting flatter? 
  • Wedding rings: On
  • Mood: Eh, not bad. 
  • Looking forward to: Watching Dr Phil with my girl

Thursday, 22 May 2014

21 Weeks - What's Eating Gilbert Grapefruit

BLACKJACK! 21 weeks... I hope she is celebrating this milestone appropriately. Preferably at Crown Uterine Casino, sporting a maroon velvet umbilical cord, sipping on a placenta strained 21 week old Chivas. No windows. No clocks. 19 weeks will be gone before she knows it. 

Since we are over the halfway bump it's all easy from here right? Hahaha yeah sure. All in all, my second trimester has been really good. Hoping this good luck streak stays true, but mentally (and physically) preparing for it to all to come crashing down... cankles, haemorrhoids and all. Until then I'll try to enjoy the 2nd tri ride. Might as well since, mark my words, pregnancy will be the only triathlon I'll ever do. 

Ooo! Ooo! I got some news! I finally felt her kick on Tuesday night! While I'm no expert in fetal movement, I'm relatively positive it would rate high in a top 10 cutest kicks comp. She waited until mommy and daddy were lying by each other, kicked once for me and then kicked again when Andy put his hand on my tummy! I'm so proud! She might have waited a little longer than some, but she strategically waited to get both of our full attention. Little show off... wonder where she gets that from? Andy I assume. 

It's less than a month until we get to go to the US and see friends and family! I'm growing rather quickly now and it will be interesting to see just how big I am from the time we get there and leave (total of 4 weeks). I have added a couple belly bump photos. It's weird as I don't feel as big as I look in the photos. Sometimes I'll walk by a mirror or window and wonder who the chick with a beer gut is. I then realize it's pregnant me (cue "awww's") and get all giddy. Then I think about how nice an ice cold XXXX would be and get jealous of fictional keg gut girl. Vicious vicious circle! 

(Note the obligatory hand cupping pubis shot.)

  • How far along: 21 weeks 
  • Total weight gain: about 8 to 10lbs
  • Maternity clothes? Nothing new, it's amazing how hard it is to get a decent plain maternity T-shirt around these parts!
  • Stretch marks? Nope (hope it stays this way!)
  • Sleep: Getting a little more difficult, but fine overall
  • Best moment this week: Pitter patter of tiny kicks
  • Miss Anything? Cold cuts
  • Movement: Finally!
  • Food cravings: American fast food
  • Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular... did throw up a little this week - both ends, but was a bit under the weather
  • Gender: XY
  • Labor Signs: No
  • Symptoms: Growing belly pains
  • Belly Button: It's like a shot glass, seriously. I should rent my belly out for parties.
  • Wedding rings: On
  • Mood: Good
  • Looking forward to: More kicks and bowling tomorrow night

Friday, 16 May 2014

What's the situation down there?

The usual bus never came this morning and almost missed my appointment! When I finally got on a bus it was "old ladies outing" day or some shit. Every one of them paid in cash and wanted to chat up the male bus driver at every single stop. Ohmygod I was about to bust a cap. After finally getting to the Valley, running to the radiology office with a bursting bladder and on the verge of tears.... I made it! After all that, the office was running about 20-30min late anyway. Typical. Anyway... enough white whine blabbering...

For the results:

Although, bub was not in a great position and we have decided to call it 90/10 until the 4D scan... the sonographer was 90% sure that it is......

a cupcake!

But a GIRL cupcake!

Not a great photo and the sono lady had to ask if we even wanted a copy... I was like "Uhhh yeah! I love giant forearms!" Baby was a little squished and she had to crop out the right side, so we don't think she is part pancake but only time will tell. Should get some more detailed photos come July. 

Also, if you are wondering, yes that bow was taken off a pair of my panties. In my defence they were brand new maternity panties making them even less sexier (if even possible). No getting double pregnant in this household!

I'm just a bit worried that she is "sticking it to the man" *fist pump*... next thing I know she'll be graffiting my uterus.